Aging Populations, Shrinking Labor Supply, and Long Term Economic Impacts: A Conversation on Demographics with Charles Goodhart
December 12, 2024

Charles Goodhart, the British Economist, Professor, and co-author of The Great Demographic Reversal: Aging Societies, Waning Inequality, and an Inflation Revival joins us to discuss demographic shifts in the U.S. and around the world that every investor should be aware of. From his early years living in the U.S. during WWII to working as a Finance Professor at the London School of Economics, crafting “Goodhart’s Law,” and serving on the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee, Charles applies a career’s worth of experience and insights to help put demographic trends into context. While in the near term many investors are poised for a rate cutting cycle, over the long term Mr. Goodhart sees falling birth rates and an aging population in most parts of the globe as likely to exert upward long-term pressure on inflation in advanced economies. We also hear his views on the growing impact of healthcare for an older population and how increased tariffs under a Trump administration could affect growth.
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