Petsky Prunier advises MediMedia on its acquisition of Phoenix Marketing Group

Petsky Prunier is pleased to announce it has advised Triple i, a division of MediMedia, on its acquisition of Phoenix Marketing Group, LLC, a provider of multi-channel pharmaceutical marketing services, from ExpressScripts, Inc., a leading US-based, full-service pharmacy benefit management company.

Triple i, a marketing solutions leader to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, delivers innovative, multichannel relationship marketing solutions, including inbound and outbound telemarketing programs, sample and literature fulfillment, e-sampling, adjudicated incentives (vouchers, coupons, and loyalty cards), point-of-care messaging, mobile and digital content and connectivity solutions, point of sale pharmacy programs, and data analytics. Phoenix Marketing is one of the largest prescription drug sampling companies in the country, processing more than 70 million drug sample shipments and managing more than 300 sales campaigns annually.

Phoenix and Triple i both leverage diverse communication channels with prescribers to deliver highly effective therapy-related marketing programs that foster patient trial and are designed to improve patient adherence and persistency, while ensuring regulatory compliance throughout. Phoenix, with its extensive experience in expanded sampling solutions, trial and adherence solutions, and compliance solutions, will bring immediate synergies and value to Triple i’s customers. The combined expertise of both companies in direct-to-physician marketing creates a powerful combination to support customers’ ever-growing demand for outsourcing and multichannel marketing.”

A team from Petsky Prunier, led by Christopher French, served as MediMedia’s exclusive financial advisor.