Marcus Freeman
Chief Executive Officer
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David Barlow
Group Chief Operating Officer
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Kristina Skender
Chief Operating Officer, Capital Markets
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Katie Van Wetering
Chief Operating Officer, Wealth Management
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Michael Manford
Executive Chairman
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Tim Gunning
Executive Chairman of Wealth
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Lisa Norton
Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance
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Alex Unsworth
Managing Director, Co-Head of Equities
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William Morley
Managing Director, Co-Head of Equities
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Jeremy Dunlop
Managing Director, Co-Head of Investment Banking
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Duncan St John
Managing Director, Co-Head of Investment Banking
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Paul Buys
Head of Research
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Aaron Muller
Managing Director, Investment Banking
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Chris Webster
National Head of Advisers
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David Kiely
Executive Director, Wealth Management
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Christos Carapetis
Executive Director, Wealth Management
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Sian Shirlaw
Executive Director, Wealth Management
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