Nick Viscount

octobre 08, 2024

When you know Nick, you know our values. 

Some people have predictable paths in life. Nick Viscount is not one of them.

Born in Miami, raised in Maryland, now living in New York, Nick started out by studying songwriting and guitar. “My whole family is musical,” says Nick.

While he kept his passion for music alive, he also did what was necessary for regular income. “I’ve towed and refueled airplanes, worked as an oral surgery assistant and then as a leasing consultant and property manager,” he smiles.

After a downsizing impacted by new technology, Nick found himself at an important juncture. “I thought, well, if you can’t beat ‘em…join ‘em”, he laughs. So, he studied IT and quickly got a job in the financial industry.

That was an important turning point. Nick loves his role as a Desktop Technician with the IT Department at CG in New York. “I never really have a bad day. I meet new people all the time. I love my environment. People here care about you and I can always be myself.”

Nick and his wife have a young family at home. “My real work begins when I leave the office. You know—father activities—diapers, up in the night…” Nick says cheerfully. Together, their dream is to someday have a farm for rescue animals.

His story may still be unfolding, but Nick has found a home at CG, where he loves solving problems and working his colleagues every day. Not surprisingly, we love working with him.
