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Investor Relations Contacts
Type of inquiry | Contact information |
Investor & Media Relations General Shareholder Inquiries and financial information related to the securities of Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. |
Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. Investor Relations Christina Marinoff |
Shareholder Services For information relating to shareholdings, dividends, lost certificates or to eliminate duplicate mailings of shareholder material, please contact the Company’s transfer Agent and Registrar: |
Computershare Trust Company of Canada
100 University Avenue, 8th Floor 1-800-564-6253 (Toll Free, N. America) |
Auditor For information about fees paid to shareholders' auditors, refer to our Annual Information Form, available in the Financial Reports section of this website or on SEDAR. |
Ernst & Young LLP The Stack 1133 Melville Street, Suite 1900 Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 4E5 |
Corporate Headquarters
Canaccord Genuity Group Inc.
1133 Melville Street, Suite 1200
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V6E 4E5, P.O. Box 10337
For CG Wealth Management and Capital Markets Businesses, visit:
Canaccord Genuity (Global Capital Markets)
Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (Canada)
Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (UK & Crown Dependencies)
Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (Australia)
The information on this website was accurate at the time of posting, but may be superseded by subsequent disclosures.