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Investor Relations Contacts

Investor Relations Contacts
Type of inquiry Contact information

Investor & Media Relations

General Shareholder Inquiries and financial information related to the securities of Canaccord Genuity Group Inc.

Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. Investor Relations
40 Temperance Street, Suite 2100
Toronto, ON, Canada

Christina Marinoff
SVP, Head of Investor Relations & Global Corporate Communications
+1 416 869-7293

Shareholder Services

For information relating to shareholdings, dividends, lost certificates or to eliminate duplicate mailings of shareholder material, please contact the Company’s transfer Agent and Registrar:

Computershare Trust Company of Canada

100 University Avenue, 8th Floor
Toronto, ON M5J 2Y1

1-800-564-6253 (Toll Free, N. America)
+1 514 982-7555 (International)
1-866-249-7775 (Fax, N. America)
+1 416 263-9524 (Fax, International)


For information about fees paid to shareholders' auditors, refer to our Annual Information Form, available in the Financial Reports section of this website or on SEDAR.

Ernst & Young LLP
The Stack
1133 Melville Street, Suite 1900
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V6E 4E5

Corporate Headquarters

Canaccord Genuity Group Inc.

1133 Melville Street, Suite 1200
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V6E 4E5,   P.O. Box 10337

For CG Wealth Management and Capital Markets Businesses, visit: 

Canaccord Genuity (Global Capital Markets)
Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (Canada)
Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (UK & Crown Dependencies)
Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (Australia)


The information on this website was accurate at the time of posting, but may be superseded by subsequent disclosures.