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Amy Merrien

Photo of Amy Merrien

Client Administration Manager

I joined the company in 2017 to work in a newly established role in the Guernsey Portfolio Management team. My previous experience in private wealth management equipped me with skills in client relationship management and a focus on providing excellent service to clients.

My key role is the management of the Client Administration team which provides support to our Investment and Stockbroking Directors, attending meetings with clients and dealing with all administrative matters which arise. From initial meetings through to investment proposals and account opening, I am a familiar face from the very start of a new client relationship and a point of contact in the absence of the Directors associated with the client.

I am also the primary point of contact for clients who invest in our in-house fund range, including the administration and development of the Select Portfolio Service.

Location: Guernsey

A bit about me:

As a hobby cake maker for the last 5 years, I have managed to build myself a very loyal customer base that return year on year for their cake needs, which keeps me very busy. I am completely self-taught, meaning I've had my fair share of 'learning from my mistakes' moments.

My other passion is weightlifting, which includes competing in the Guernsey Strongest Channel Islands competitions.

When I’m not cake making or weightlifting, you will find me relaxing at home with my rescue dog and husband, or out walking the beautiful cliffs of Guernsey.

What does can-do mean to me:

You could call it an ethos, an approach, or an ideology. We simply call it can-do.

It's about having all round positive attitude, both in and outside of work. To go out of your way to help others, to listen and learn from each other, in order to build a better and stronger environment that everyone can benefit from.


+44 1481 733924
View Amy Merrien's profile on LinkedIn

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.