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Arfan Syeed

Photo of Arfan Syeed

Group Head of Finance. CGWM UK and Group Tax Director

I joined the company in 2010 as Group Head of Tax and following successful acquisitions by CGWM in recent years now lead the UK finance function supporting the leadership with its strategic and business objectives.

I have worked in financial services for over 30 years having qualified as a Scottish chartered accountant during the early part of my career as an auditor and tax advisor at PwC in Edinburgh and London. I then moved to Benfield Group plc, a global reinsurance intermediary as Group Head of Tax. Following takeover of the Group and integration, I held the position of Chief Financial Controller for Aon Ireland.

In 2010, I returned to the UK to join Collins Stewart Hawkpoint plc prior to its acquisition by Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. and continue to provide tax support to the Group on global tax matters.

A bit about me:

My passion has always been playing and watching cricket. Having been brought up in a remote part of Scotland, I was lucky enough to play in the glorious Scottish countryside, when it wasn’t raining that is! These days you will find me bowling in the practice nets to my son and of course, taking the occasional trip to Lords.

What does can-do mean to me:

You could call it an ethos, an approach, or an ideology. We simply call it can-do.

For me, Can-do means commitment, perseverance and striving for excellence.


+44 20 7523 8345

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.