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Ian Wilmot

Photo of Ian Wilmot

Senior Wealth planner

I have a wealth of experience gained from working in the financial services industry for nearly forty-five years in both a development role with a major insurer, and latterly, as an Independent Financial Planner. I ran my own financial planning practice before joining the company in 2020. Over the years I have developed a deep knowledge of the various planning issues faced by business owners. I now work extensively with professional connections to help their clients plan for retirement and, just as importantly, avoid some of the risks that can hinder long-term plans. Working with accountants and solicitors allows me to draw the different strands of expertise and advice together into effective and understandable plans for our clients.

Location: Nottingham

A bit about me:

I am a practicing musician in my spare time and can regularly be found performing with my bands at pubs and gigs throughout the East Midlands. I even find time to record a weekly Rock Show for our local community station and for one of the UK’s premier internet-based broadcasters.

What does can-do mean to me:

You could call it an ethos, an approach, or an ideology. We simply call it can-do.

Being a trusted adviser to my clients and a reliable partner for my professional connections.


+44 115 896 5842
View Ian Wilmot's profile on LinkedIn

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.