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Sue Tummon

Photo of Sue Tummon

Business Development Director

I joined the company in 2020 and am responsible for numerous IFA, Life Company and investment platform relationships globally.

My role includes business development, relationship management and ensuring simplicity, efficiency and growth for our business partners and in turn, their clients.

Prior to this I spent almost 20 years with a large global insurance company, working in the Isle of Man, the Middle East and latterly as head of sales (Singapore), where I was a member of the executive committee.

I have extensive networks in the international IFA, Life Company and Bancassurance sectors and continually look to grow my connections, share industry knowledge and provide practical support to existing and prospective partners around the world.

Location: International

A bit about me:

I live in the Isle of Man with my son - we love to travel. I sing a lot and I am also a proudly undefeated White Collar Boxing champion!

What does can-do mean to me:

You could call it an ethos, an approach, or an ideology. We simply call it can-do.

Rolling up your sleeves and getting stuck in, to ensure business partners feel supported and collective goals are achieved. Positive outcomes are front of mind for every client invested with us.


+44 1624 690 122
View Sue Tummon's profile on LinkedIn

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.