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  • Consumer duty

Consumer Duty 

At Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management, we are dedicated to our clients and their financial future, so we can help them build their wealth with confidence. We aim to build relationships on our clients’ terms, always keep them informed and ensure their financial plans and investment portfolios meet their individual needs and attitude to risk.

It makes sense that we are fully committed to upholding the principles of the FCA Consumer Duty. We view our work in support of Consumer Duty as continuous and ongoing, and set out below some of the regulatory obligations we have fulfilled to date to ensure we comply with the regulatory requirements.

  • We have described the ‘target market’ for each of our products and services. By clearly explaining who our products and services are designed for we, and the other professionals we work with (e.g. financial advisers), can ensure that our clients get the right products and services to meet their needs
  • We have checked that the price of our products and services is reasonable given the benefits our clients can expect to receive by performing ‘fair value assessments’
  • Professionals can find our Target Market and Fair Value statements below and on the relevant product or service page of our website; if you have any questions regarding these documents please contact CGWMBusinessDevelopment@canaccord.com.
  • We regularly review each of our products and services to ensure they continue to provide good outcomes, represent fair value and are sold to the right clients 
  • We have an ongoing programme to ensure that the communication and support we provide our clients enables them to realise the benefits of the products and services they pay for; if you feel we could improve any aspect of our communication or support, we’d really appreciate your feedback – please contact us on CGWMBusinessDevelopment@canaccord.com.
  • We recognise that some clients, due to their personal circumstances (e.g. health conditions, or stressful events in their lives) may require additional support to make full and effective use of our products and services; we are committed to providing tailored support which meets our clients’ individual needs.

If you want further information, you can find our Target Market and Fair Value statements below and/or on the relevant product or service page of our website. 

We continue to monitor, evaluate and refine our work on Consumer Duty and will seek further client feedback to inform and guide our approach to delivering good outcomes for all of our clients.


Want to speak to someone?

If you have any questions or feedback on consumer duty, do not hesitate to contact us. 

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.