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Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management Jersey

37 Esplanade
St. Helier


+44 1534 708 090

Jersey office location

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Our services


When working directly with clients, we spend time getting to know you, building a relationship on your terms. We can build and manage a portfolio that meets your individual requirements and takes into account your objectives and attitude to risk – supporting you in achieving your objectives.

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As an international wealth manager, we provide specialist services for corporate service providers, wealth advisers and trust companies. We’ll take responsibility for your clients’ investment management needs, whether large or relatively small, liaising with you to build their wealth with confidence and ensure they feel valued.

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Portfolio management

When you opt for our portfolio management service, we take day-to-day investment decision-making off your hands: leaving you to focus on other things safe in the knowledge your wealth is being taken care of.

Portfolio management


If you take an active interest in financial markets, our experienced trading teams provide an excellent and responsive service. You can choose either our execution-only or advisory stockbroking service.

Stockbroking services

Treasury services

Where jurisdiction permits, we also offer added-value services for existing private clients with surplus cash pending longer-term investment or with foreign exchange requirements.

Treasury services

About us

With its own parliament and treasury, Jersey is recognised as a global financial centre. As a jurisdiction with a favourable tax regime, Jersey is considered responsible with high standards of transparency and regulation.

Our Jersey office has been part of island life for more than 20 years and many of the team are familiar faces at community events.  We are established experts in all aspects of local and international wealth management and are fully committed to establishing lasting relationships with our private and intermediary clients both here in Jersey and overseas.

As part of the Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management Group, we have the scale and highly developed technical infrastructure to provide efficient, effective, price-competitive investment management, but importantly, we are also small enough to provide a hands-on and highly personal service.

Find out more about our people in Jersey.

Meet the team

Photo of Ryan Harrison

Ryan Harrison

Investment Director

I have over 35 years’ experience in the financial sector and oversee the management of many portfolios. Investment markets are challenging, and I am privileged to work with a team who are knowledgeable, experienced and have a strong work ethic. Together we deliver solutions to our clients.

I am a Chartered Fellow of the CISI and hold the PCIAM Diploma.

Photo of Stephen Glover

Stephen Glover

Investment Director - Strategic Distribution Partnerships

My career in the financial services industry started in 1983, initially in banking and trust services, then into Stockbroking in the mid-nineties.

joined the company as an Advisory Stockbroker in 2007 and was Head of our Jersey Stockbroking team for more than 10 years. In addition to providing advisory and discretionary services to a large portfolio of high value client relationships, I specialised in income-orientated portfolios. I also conducted our international business development activities, which enabled me to travel to numerous interesting places around the world. This experience laid the foundations for my current role working with our domestic and international Intermediary client base. In this role I help to provide investment solutions to existing and prospective clients and formulate successful strategic partnerships.

I am a Fellow of the Chartered Securities Institute and South Africa Representative. I am also a Member of our Business Development, Events and Fixed Interest Credit Committees.

Photo of Robert Llewellin

Robert Llewellin

Head of Stockbroking, Jersey

After 22 years in various industries, including a spell in the City as broker, and eight years self-employed trading sports markets, I joined our Treasury team in 2011. I am currently Head of Stockbroking in our Jersey office, running a team of 12. As a team, we focus on delivering a fast, efficient and valued service to private clients and intermediaries in collaboration with our discretionary colleagues on the portfolio management team.

As a member of our International leadership team, I contribute to the development of our international strategy. I am a member of our International Business Development , Jersey Management and COVID internal committees and Chair the Jersey Events Committee. I am a Chartered Fellow of the CISI.

Photo of Iain MacKenzie

Iain MacKenzie

Head of Treasury

I joined the company in 2008 after 27 years in banking, predominantly in Treasury, managing back & front office functions. With a focus on cash, interest rates and foreign exchange, my cross divisional role connects with the business on many levels.

I am a holder of the ACI Diploma & a Chartered MCSI.



 Proud to be part of Jersey’s community

As employers and residents of this very special island we are proud to contribute to local causes and community events. Since its inception in 2013, we have both sponsored and participated in the Corporate Cup race series. The series encourages some lunchtime exercise for office workers while raising money for the Jersey Sports Association for the Disabled.

Need a different office?

For the Jersey office please see below. For offshore please visit our UK, Guernsey or Isle of Man pages

Speak to one of our investment experts

To discuss your investment needs, book a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.

Get in touch

Client enquiries, legal and compliance matters and complaints

If you need to talk to our expert teams regarding legal and compliance or client-related matters, use our emails below.

If you'd like to make a complaint, please see our complaints page here.

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Client-related enquiries

Wealth management updates

Canaccord Genuity Group

We're part of Canaccord Genuity Group Inc., a publicly traded company under the symbol CF on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Established in 1950, it is now a leading global financial services firm, operating in wealth management and capital markets.

The Group has offices in 10 countries, including wealth management offices in the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Canada and Australia. Canaccord Genuity; our international capital markets division, operates in Canada, the US, the UK, France, Ireland, Hong Kong, China, Australia and Dubai.

Find out more


Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.