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Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management Norwich

13-15 St Georges Street


+44 1603 567 120


Request a call back


Our core services

Wealth planning

Wealth planning


Stockbroking services

Portfolio management

Portfolio management

Portfolio management for charities


About us

The team at Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management has been in Norwich for more than three decades, specialising in investment management for private clients, pensions, trusts and charities across Norfolk and East Anglia. Over the years, the team has formed long standing relationships with local intermediaries and individuals alike.

Known for its endless beaches and as a favourite royal bolthole, Norfolk is also home to many fast-growing, forward looking businesses. As the county’s cultural and business hub, Norwich has a rich manufacturing heritage. Today it is a major financial services hub with growing expertise in technology and engineering and we are proud to be a part of this dynamic city. 

This expert team is small enough to give you a first-class service and highly personal investment advice, with the scale, resources and cutting-edge technology of the Canaccord Genuity Group behind them to deliver effective, efficient and competitively priced investment solutions.

Meet a few of our Norwich team

Photo of Richard Larner

Richard Larner

Head of Norwich Office

Richard is the Head of Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management’s Norwich Office. He manages private client, SIPP, family trust and charity portfolios primarily on a discretionary basis.

Having graduated in Law from Exeter University Richard started his investment career in the City of London with stockbroker Grieveson Grant in 1984 and became a Member of The Stock Exchange in 1986. He was subsequently one of the three founding partners of Hill Osborne's Norwich office in 1997 which was later acquired by Brewin Dolphin where he also served as Head of Office between 2007 and January 2015. He was appointed as the head of the new Norwich office in August 2015.

At the heart of the local community

As employers and residents of East Anglia, we are proud to contribute to local causes and community events such as the East Norfolk Operatic Society and the Norfolk Christmas Fair.


4 St Philips Place
B3 2PP

+44 121 230 1910


Talisman House
Boardmans Way

+44 1253 621 575


Tempus Court
Onslow Street

+44 1483 961100

Llandudno Junction

Anson House
1 Cae'r Llynen
Llandudno Junction
LL31 9LS

+44 1492 558 359


88 Wood Street

+44 20 7523 4500


One Strawberry Lane
Newcastle upon Tyne

+44 1919 178 520


13-15 St Georges Street

+44 1603 567 120


Ocean Village Innovation Centre
Ocean Way
SO14 3JZ

+44  23 8212 4170


Slip House 
Princes Drive 

+44 1905 953 600

Looking for offices in Scotland? We have a presence in Edinburgh and Glasgow through one of our group companies, Adam & Company.

Ready to secure your financial future?

Request a no-obligation call from a member of our Norwich team.

Request a call back

Client enquiries, legal and compliance matters and complaints

If you need to talk to our expert teams regarding legal and compliance or client-related matters, use our emails below.

If you'd like to make a complaint, please see our complaints page here.

Legal and compliance contact

Client-related enquiries

Wealth management updates

Canaccord Genuity Group

We're part of Canaccord Genuity Group Inc., a publicly traded company under the symbol CF on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Established in 1950, it is now a leading global financial services firm, operating in wealth management and capital markets.

The Group has offices in 10 countries, including wealth management offices in the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Canada and Australia. Canaccord Genuity; our international capital markets division, operates in Canada, the US, the UK, France, Ireland, Hong Kong, China, Australia and Dubai.

Find out more

Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.