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Independent advice on investing in retirement

There are many ways investing in retirement can help your money go further. Whatever your intentions, a delicate balance is needed between providing enough income and continuing to grow your capital.

With our independent Wealth Planners expert advice and the right investment strategy, it is possible to achieve your goals. From generating a comfortable retirement income or saving more to pass on as an inheritance, to funding long-term care or helping your children financially.


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Book a free consultation with an independent Wealth Planner to find out how investing in retirement can help you achieve your goals.

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Investing during retirement - how we can help


1. Retirement planning

Based on your goals, your Wealth Planner will work with you to review your current situation as a whole and devise a comprehensive retirement plan and a suitable investment approach for you in retirement. 

Your plan will also take into account your income needs at different stages in retirement and how much you want to leave your beneficiaries as an inheritance.

2. Asset allocation

Your Wealth Planner will ensure your investment portfolio is diversified across different asset classes to help strike the right balance between income and growth to achieve your unique goals.

Being independent means your Wealth Planner is free to choose the best asset classes and recommend the best funds available for your needs from the whole of the market, not just our own.

3. Balancing risk

Traditionally, investment strategies during retirement focus on lower-risk fixed income investments such as bonds or gilts. However, even within these markets, it’s vital to be selective to manage risk.

Your Wealth Planner will consider other dependable investments, such as in real estate, infrastructure, healthcare and renewable energy that could also be incorporated into your retirement portfolio.

4. Tax implications and pension drawdown options

Growth on your investments and drawing an income from your pension may be subject to tax, so it’s important to act carefully when deciding when and how to draw your pension or cash in your investments, which you may do more regularly in retirement.

Pensions are generally highly tax efficient, so your Wealth Planner can advise you on whether to draw your pension later and how to make best use of other investments for income in the meantime.

5. Stress testing your plans

Although you may have a good idea of how much money you’ll need in later years, it’s also important to prepare for the unexpected. Using cash flow planning, your Wealth Planner can stress-test your financial plans against different scenarios to ensure they are flexible enough to meet your objectives no matter what.

6. Ongoing oversight

Your Wealth Planner can partner with one of our expert investment managers to help manage your investment portfolio for you.

They will keep a close and objective eye on the markets and continually monitor your investment portfolio’s performance over time, making adjustments and enhancements when necessary to keep it on track.


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Book a free consultation with an independent Wealth Planner to find out how investing in retirement can help you achieve your goals.

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Our specialist services

Retirement planning for high income earners

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Inheritance tax services

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Long-term care planning

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Fixed income investing

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Book a free consultation

Book a free consultation with an independent Wealth Planner to find out how investing in retirement can help you achieve your goals.

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Investment involves risk. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

The tax treatment of all investments depends upon individual circumstances and the levels and basis of taxation may change in the future. Investors should discuss their financial arrangements with their own tax adviser before investing.

The tax treatments set out in this communication are based on our current understanding of UK legislation. It is a broad summary and cannot cover every circumstance and it does not constitute advice.

The information provided is not to be treated as specific advice. It has no regard for the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person or entity.


Book a free retirement planning consultation


Typically, we provide financial advice to clients with assets over £250,000. Please note, we do not offer a one-off share sale service below these amounts.

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What happens next?

1. Arranging an initial consultation

First you can expect to receive an email from our team within 48 hours to find a suitable time that works for you, to arrange a voice or video call for an initial consultation.

2. Your consultation 

During this consultation, a member of the team will discuss your situation with you to understand your requirements and answer any questions you might have about Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management and the services that we provide.

3. Referral to a Wealth Planner or Investment Manager

If you decide to progress with us, you will be referred to one of our Wealth Planners or Investment Managers to discuss your situation and requirements in more detail. They will then design a bespoke proposal detailing a unique investment portfolio that matches your individual requirements and attitude to risk, to meet you and your family’s needs.

4. Working with you long-term

With our wealth planning and investment management professionals, your wealth is in expert hands. Our mission is simple - to help you build your wealth with confidence. We will always keep you informed about your investment portfolio and performance and will continue to work with you to build our relationship on your terms. We can meet with you face-to-face, by phone or by email, whichever is more convenient for you. You can also access your account online at any time through our app. Our wealth management professionals are always readily available to speak with you.


Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.