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Execution-only stockbroking

If you would like to benefit from our sophisticated in-house dealing facility, but prefer to take responsibility for your own investment decisions, our execution-only stockbroking service is ideal for you.

How does execution-only stockbroking work?

With our execution-only stockbroking service, we simply take and execute your orders. We operate a straight-through processing platform with seamless settlement for both our nominee service and third-party custodians. Our experienced dealers are familiar with the intricacies of trading a wide range of financial assets across many different markets.

Large or sophisticated orders are skilfully supported by our institutional trading desks and we have direct links to a variety of multilateral trading facilities. 

To use this service, you should be an experienced investor, and understand the risks and potential rewards of the investments you're considering. There is a £400 minimum fee but this is offset against any trading fees you incur operating your stockbroking account with us to buy and sell assets.

How can I check my investments?

You can choose to receive a clearly laid-out valuation report each quarter by post or online, whichever suits you best.

You can also view your account online at any time, no matter where you are, through our easy-to-use CG Wealth Online portal and app, including your investments, statements and historical valuations.


Learn more about our execution-only stockbroking service.


Keeping you informed

All change for our government… but no change for UK asset markets?

In a year when many big countries go to the polls to vote, will the upcoming UK general election have much of an impact on markets?

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Beyond 60/40: rethinking portfolio construction

For three decades, 60/40 has been an excellent portfolio construction strategy. Have recent market trends demonstrated we may need to think about adapting it?

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We have offices in Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey.

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Some of our stockbroking experts

If you would like to know how our stockbroking team can help, please get in touch. We will be delighted to provide more details of our services.

Photo of Victor Polak

Victor Polak

Investment Director

As an Investment Director with 30 years’ experience in international capital markets, I specialise in direct equity allocations for Ultra High Net Worth portfolios. I have a keen interest in international politics and the interaction between politics and global markets. I joined the company in 2011 following 20 years working internationally for various global investment banks. My role is to maintain a dialogue with my clients to preserve and grow their wealth. Maintaining direct relationships with very successful individuals has always been key, especially when managing multiple generations, across various continents, time zones and languages.

Photo of Tony Tharian

Tony Tharian

Investment Director

Tony has over 30 years of experience trading in diverse financial instruments and managing private client relationships, holding investment management positions at Dean Witter Reynolds, Lehman Brothers, Prudential Bache, Raymond James, Eden Financial and Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management. Over his career, he has been responsible for advising International HNW clients, Private Wealth Offices and Private Banks on investment portfolios and strategies on asset allocation, portfolio construction, corporate bonds, equities, ETFs, alternative investments and capital market products. He focuses on the macro-economic outlook and structuring portfolios with geographical asset allocation. He is member of the Fixed Income Selection Committee and US Investment Committee at CGWM.

Photo of Naseer Dean

Naseer Dean

Investment Director

Naseer manages portfolios on a discretionary and advisory basis for high net worth clients, family offices, trusts and private banks. He has 30 years of industry experience, sits on the CGWM Fixed Income Selection Committee and is a member of the CISI.

Find out more about our expert team

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.