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Vision Investment Portal

We are delighted to be working in partnership with Vision Investment Portal (VIP).

Our partnership with VIP enables us to tailor our service to fit your preferences. We want to build an enduring relationship with you, based on trust and confidence in our ability and willingness to go the extra mile.

You will have your own dedicated CGWM team with a lead manager, who will start by getting to know you and establishing a way of working together that meets your needs.

  • A choice of services designed around your clients
  • Your own dedicated CGWM team with a lead Investment Manager
  • 24/7 access to your clients’ portfolios via our CG Wealth Online service
  • Clear and frequent updates from each client’s Investment Manager

Learn more about us


Expert hands for your clients’ wealth

Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management (CGWM) is a well-established, successful company, and our main objective is the same as yours: to ensure your clients feel confident, valued and satisfied.

We have enough size and scale to deliver experience and expertise, combined with a highly developed and up-to-date technical infrastructure. At the same time we are small enough to provide a personal relationship-led service with direct access to our people and knowledge.

When you choose CGWM as a partner to help you manage your clients' wealth, you can be confident that our investment process is rigorous, robust and trustworthy. Our team is supported by 14 investment committees, 76 in-house researchers and analysts, and industry-leading tools including Quest®, Canaccord Genuity's proprietary equity valuation system.



A range of investment services to suit your clients

Our flexible investment framework can be adapted to meet each individual client’s objectives, tax position and attitude to risk. We offer a wide choice of risk profiles to suit all your clients and their investment options through both in-house and our third-party platforms.

Our services


Latest views

Fixed income investing explained

In this article we explain what we mean by fixed interest (or fixed income) bonds, what they are, who they are for and how we invest in them.

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State of UK equities: time to back British again?

With a new prime minister and government, the UK has been in the spotlight the past couple of months. How does it stack up from an investment perspective?

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Winter webinar: When will 2025 begin to warm up?

In our latest webinar, Co-Chief Investment Officers Richard Champion and Tom Becket discuss the predictable nature of 2024 investment markets, while highlighting increased volatility and uncertainty in 2025.

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Upcoming events and webinars

Stay on top of current financial affairs by attending our regular events, many of which qualify for CPD. We run events in person and online to keep our professional partners informed of our current market views, and to spotlight some of our specialist services.


Sign up for our next events below:

Monthly market update


Registration coming soon 

Stay tuned for the date and time of our next market update.

From CGWM’s Chief Investment Office, Thomas Becket hosts a 30-minute webinar each month for advisers, where you can hear his market and economic updates.

Catch up on demand

Missed one of our online events? Catch up with recordings of past webinars.

Pensions and investments masterclass


Abolition of the LTA – where are we now? 

Barry Foster, Technical Sales Manager at Curtis Banks, examines how the LTA was abolished, and where are we now; what legislative fixes we are still waiting for and why ‘transitional tax-free amount certificates’ are such a hot topic.

CGWM’s Co-CIO, Thomas Becket, gives his brief market update with a football theme. To kick off, he will reveal his top England starting 11, along with the funds and investments which best represent those players.

Originally recorded 26 June 2024.
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Investing for US expats


In partnership with Paraplanners' Assembly 

Laurence Leigh, Investment Manager, talks to Paraplanners' Assembly about investing for US expats living in the UK. In just ten minutes, Laurence covers the dos and don’ts of advising US expats, the limitations of UK platforms, and the severe penalties for non-compliance.

Originally recorded 17 May 2024
View on-demand

Market update | June 2024


Part of our monthly webinar series

In June’s update, and as we enter the summer months, Tom tackles the difficult question of whether investment markets or England’s football team have a greater chance of success this summer.

Originally recorded 7 June 2024.
View on-demand

Market update | May 2024


Part of our monthly webinar series

In May’s update, Tom considers the following: “Have the recent market volatility and falls in global bonds and global equities led us to change our constructive view for the year ahead, or do we simply see this as another reminder that markets don’t go up in a straight line?”

Originally recorded 10 May 2024.
View on-demand

Sustainable opportunities in investing


Is change on the horizon?

Patrick Thomas, Head of ESG at CGWM, provides an update around the key themes in our sustainable portfolios, and the exciting opportunity that lies ahead for our clients. He is joined by Co-CIO Richard Champion, who gives an insight on how sustainable themes in our portfolios can provide better outcomes for our clients from both a return and an ESG perspective.

Originally recorded 10 April 2024
View on-demand


Our documents

Forms and documents for our VIP partners.

Please contact teamvision@canaccord.com for further assistance.


Our general service documents

Discretionary portfolio management

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Managed Portfolio Service

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ESG Portfolio Service

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IHT Portfolio Service

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Multi-asset fund of funds

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Your dedicated CGWM contacts are on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Stewart Howard

Stewart Howard

Senior Business Development Director

+44 7887 826402

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Muriel Meehan

Muriel Meehan

Business Development Team Manager

+44 20 7523 4693

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.