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The diagram below shows the different levels of risk and return for each of our Canaccord Genuity multi-manager funds.

CG Multi-asset funds range.jpg


The funds may invest in equities, bonds, alternative investments such as commodities and cash, with the allocation to each asset dependent on the risk profile of the fund and the views of our expert asset allocation team. We prioritise liquidity to ensure that the composition of the funds can be adjusted quickly should the need arise.

This fund is designed to generate an income and capital growth. It manages risk to preserve capital value and achieve a consistent total return.

The fund holds multiple asset classes, including collective investment schemes, direct bonds and other yielding assets. Up to 50% of its net asset value may be invested in international equity markets.

As well as its core sterling share class, the Canaccord Genuity Cautious Fund is available in euro, Swiss franc, Australian, Canadian, Singapore and US dollar hedged share classes.

This fund is appropriate if your clients are seeking growth over the longer term.

To achieve this, the fund holds multiple asset classes. Up to 60%* of its net assets may be invested in international equity markets through the securities of regulated collective investment schemes.

As well as its core US dollar share class, the Canaccord Genuity Balanced Fund is also available in euro, sterling, Swiss franc, Australian, Canadian and Singapore dollar hedged share classes.

* This percentage is indicative only and the Investment Manager may, if necessary, alter or adjust it because of prevailing market conditions.

This fund is appropriate if your clients are seeking growth over the longer term.

The portfolio invests to achieve the best return while considering the risk of each investment and holds multiple asset classes to achieve this. Up to 85%* of its net assets may be invested in international equity markets through the securities of regulated collective investment schemes.

As well as its core US dollar share class, the Canaccord Genuity Growth Fund is also available in euro, sterling, Swiss franc, Australian, Canadian and Singapore dollar hedged share classes.

* This percentage is indicative only and the Investment Manager may, if necessary, alter or adjust it because of prevailing market conditions.

We have been running the strategy for this dynamic fund with great success since 2001. It is appropriate if your clients are seeking growth.

It can hold multiple asset classes but focuses on achieving growth with less concern about volatility, so up to 100%* of its net assets may be invested in international equity markets through the securities of regulated collective investment schemes.

As well as its core US dollar share class, the Canaccord Genuity Opportunity Fund is also available in euro, sterling, Swiss franc, Australian, Canadian and Singapore dollar hedged share classes.

* This percentage is indicative only and the Investment Manager may, if necessary, alter or adjust it because of prevailing market conditions.

Important announcement

The arrangements for marketing shares of Canaccord Genuity Bond Fund, Canaccord Genuity Balanced Fund, Canaccord Genuity Opportunity Fund, Canaccord Genuity Cautious Fund and Canaccord Genuity Growth Fund (the Funds) to shareholders in Italy and France are being terminated.  Shareholders in Italy and France may redeem their shares, free of any charges or deductions. The procedure for effecting a redemption is set out in the Prospectus of Canaccord Genuity Investment Funds plc.


What are the benefits of a multi-asset, fund of funds?

Also known as a ‘multi-manager fund', the Canaccord Genuity fund of funds are made up of other investment funds (which are themselves made up of different assets) rather than investing directly in stocks, bonds or other kinds of securities.

They allow your clients to access a greater range of investment expertise and opportunities, as well as the specialist fund selection and ongoing reviews provided by a discretionary investment management service – but at a lower cost.

How to invest in our Canaccord Genuity multi-asset funds

To access the Canaccord Genuity multi-manager funds the minimum investment is GBP 5,000 (or currency equivalent).


Fund literature

The prices displayed are as at 20 November 2024

We are experiencing technical difficulty with our Fund Price display, we hope to resolve this shortly.

In the meantime, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Fund literature

Investment involves risk. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Our portfolios are designed to work over a typical investment cycle of seven to ten years, so we recommend you stay invested for at least seven years.

The information provided is not to be treated as specific advice. It has no regard for the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person or entity.


How can we help?

If you'd like to know more about our Canaccord Genuity fund of funds or would like to know more about our services, speak to one of our team. We'll be delighted to give you more details.

Photo of Richard Burden

Richard Burden

Senior Executive Officer, Dubai branch

With extensive experience in the Middle East since 1994, having lived at various times in both Saudi Arabia and Dubai, I am the Senior Executive Officer in our Dubai office within the Dubai International Financial Centre, regulated by the DFSA.

I lead our business development activity in this region working in conjunction with my colleagues in Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Jersey and the UK. I aim to widen our product offering with existing distribution channels, utilising our category 4 'advice and arrange' regulatory status, while also seeking new and varied distribution channels to bring our wider product offering to new contacts.

Photo of Daragh O'Sullivan

Daragh O'Sullivan

Business Development Director, Europe and Latin America

I joined the company in March 2021 and I am responsible for relationships with financial advisors in Europe and Latin America. prior to this I had a similar role at GAM Investments where I worked for 17 years.

I started my career managing private client assets for HNW individuals and families based in the UK and internationally and then moved to the distribution side selling multi-asset solutions to international IFA firms, private banks and trust companies.

Photo of Nick Teo

Nick Teo

Business Development Director, Asia

I joined the finance industry in 2003 and have experience across many aspects of the sector. In my current role I am responsible for business development in Asia by providing advisers with clear, easy to understand information which allows their clients to make decisions to achieve their long-term financial goals. I am a passionate presenter who thrives on the energy from standing on a stage.

I am based on the sunny island of Singapore, working closely with business partners in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. I was featured as the Top Recommended Wealth Manager in Singapore for 2020 and 2022 by Spear's 500 Guide.

Photo of Sue Tummon

Sue Tummon

Business Development Director

I joined the company in 2020 and am responsible for numerous IFA, Life Company and investment platform relationships globally.

My role includes business development, relationship management and ensuring simplicity, efficiency and growth for our business partners and in turn, their clients.

Prior to this I spent almost 20 years with a large global insurance company, working in the Isle of Man, the Middle East and latterly as head of sales (Singapore), where I was a member of the executive committee.

I have extensive networks in the international IFA, Life Company and Bancassurance sectors and continually look to grow my connections, share industry knowledge and provide practical support to existing and prospective partners around the world.


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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.