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Fund prices
The prices displayed below are as at 13th January 2025.
A GBP (Accumulation) | IE00B3BRDN43 | GBP 1.1055 |
A GBP (Distribution) | IE00B3BRDP66 | GBP 0.9324 |
A USD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZN970 | USD 1.0698 |
A EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNB92 | |
A SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNC00 | |
A CAD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4B81 | |
A CHF Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4C98 | |
A AUD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4M96 | |
T GBP (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4H44 | GBP 0.986 |
T EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4J67 | |
T SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4K72 | |
T USD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4L89 | USD 1.0008 |
R GBP (Distribution) | IE00BSJCDX67 | GBP 0.8345 |
R GBP (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZND17 | GBP 1.0458 |
R AUD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4D06 | |
R CAD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4F20 | |
R CHF Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4G37 | CHF 1.0165 |
X GBP (Distribution) | IE00BYPZNF31 | GBP 0.8636 |
A USD (Accumulation) | IE00B3BRDM36 | USD 1.8191 |
A EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCDW50 | EUR 1.2042 |
A GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4N04 | GBP 1.118 |
A GBP Hedged (Distribution) | IE00BFXG4P28 | GBP 1.197 |
A SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4Q35 | SGD 1.2027 |
A AUD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4R42 | AUD 1.0951 |
A CAD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4S58 | |
A CHF Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4T65 | |
T USD (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCDR08 | USD 1.3238 |
T GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCDS15 | GBP 1.2423 |
T EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCDT22 | EUR 1.1027 |
T SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCDV44 | SGD 1.1027 |
R USD (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZP462 | USD 1.3493 |
R EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZP579 | EUR 1.1236 |
R SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZP686 | |
R GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4V87 | GBP 1.2483 |
R GBP Hedged (Distribution) | IE00BFXG4W94 | GBP 1.1571 |
R AUD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4X02 | |
R CAD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4Y19 | |
R CHF Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG4Z26 | |
X EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZP918 | |
X GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5048 | GBP 1.2266 |
X GBP Hedged (Distribution) | IE00BFXG5154 | GBP 1.2798 |
X USD (Accumulation) | IE00BGRX9L71 | USD 1.3482 |
H USD (Accumulation) | IE00BNKLLH76 | USD 1.0214 |
H GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BNKLLJ90 | GBP 0.9789 |
H EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BNKLLK06 | EUR 0.9474 |
H SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BNKLLL13 | |
X GBP (Accumulation) | IE00057UZT88 | GBP 1.128 |
A USD (Accumulation) | IE00B3BRDJ07 | USD 2.122 |
A EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCJL65 | EUR 1.2946 |
A GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5261 | GBP 1.2892 |
A GBP Hedged (Distribution) | IE00BFXG5378 | |
A SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5485 | SGD 1.2941 |
A AUD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5592 | |
A CAD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5600 | |
A CHF Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5717 | |
T USD (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCJG13 | USD 1.519 |
T GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCJH20 | GBP 1.3596 |
T EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCJJ44 | EUR 1.297 |
T SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCJK58 | |
R USD (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNL90 | USD 1.4288 |
R EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNM08 | |
R SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNN15 | |
R GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5824 | GBP 1.2249 |
R GBP Hedged (Distribution) | IE00BFXG5931 | GBP 1.1949 |
R AUD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5B56 | |
R CAD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5C63 | |
R CHF Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5D70 | |
X EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNQ46 | |
X GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5F94 | GBP 1.3393 |
X GBP Hedged (Distribution) | IE00BFXG5G02 | |
X USD (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNP39 | USD 1.3514 |
H USD (Accumulation) | IE00BNKLLC22 | USD 1.0268 |
H GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BNKLLD39 | GBP 0.9754 |
H EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BNKLLF52 | EUR 0.9615 |
H SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BNKLLG69 | |
R GBP (Accumulation) | IE000D1AWI97 | GBP 1.1293 |
A USD (Accumulation) | IE00B3BRDK12 | USD 2.853 |
A GBP (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5L54 | GBP 1.5039 |
A SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5M61 | SGD 1.3523 |
A AUD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5N78 | AUD 1.2445 |
A CAD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5P92 | |
A CHF Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5Q00 | |
H USD (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNS69 | USD 1.098 |
A GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCJC74 | GBP 1.3491 |
A EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCJD81 | EUR 1.3198 |
T USD (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCJ725 | USD 1.5797 |
T GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCJ832 | GBP 1.4283 |
T EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCJ949 | EUR 1.2401 |
T SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCJB67 | |
R GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BSJCJF06 | GBP 1.5397 |
R USD (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNT76 | USD 1.5602 |
R EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNV98 | EUR 1.1863 |
R SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNW06 | SGD 1.3317 |
R AUD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG8H24 | AUD 1.2025 |
R CAD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5R17 | |
R CHF Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5S24 | |
R GBP (Accumulation) | IE00BJ5CCL85 | GBP 1.4144 |
F GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BJ5CCK78 | |
F USD (Accumulation) | IE00BJ5CCJ63 | |
X EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNY20 | EUR 1.346 |
X GBP (Accumulation) | IE00BK7XZ512 | GBP 1.5017 |
X GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5T31 | GBP 1.4566 |
X USD (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNX13 | USD 1.633 |
H ILS Hedged (Accumulation) | IE0006ETXIC8 | ILS 1.3088 |
H GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BNKLLN37 | GBP 1.037 |
H EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BNKLLP50 | EUR 1.0072 |
H SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BNKLLQ67 | SGD 1.0354 |
A GBP (Distribution) | IE00BGLP1Z72 | GBP 81.5068 |
A EUR Hedged (Distribution) | IE00BGLP2096 | EUR 70.3177 |
A USD Hedged (Distribution) | IE00BGLP2104 | USD 85.7269 |
A GBP (Accumulation) | IE00BYNFQ459 | GBP 110.0115 |
A EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYNFQ566 | EUR 95.7605 |
A USD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYNFQ673 | |
A SGD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BYPZNZ37 | |
A AUD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5H19 | AUD 96.0057 |
A CAD Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5J33 | |
A CHF Hedged (Accumulation) | IE00BFXG5K48 | |
A SGD Hedged (Distribution) | IE00BYPZP025 | |
X EUR Hedged (Distribution) | IE00BYPZP249 | EUR 76.1369 |
X GBP (Distribution) | IE00BYPZP132 | GBP 83.0782 |
X USD Hedged (Distribution) | IE00BYPZP355 | USD 88.9754 |
CHF I Class | IE000FLLJ4P4 | CHF 169.4794 |
CHF R Class | IE000SKM1U34 | CHF 158.8141 |
EUR I Class | IE000MAPJ1B0 | EUR 328.0381 |
EUR R Class | IE0001YYIB75 | EUR 206.1239 |
EUR RP Class | IE000IO8TE41 | EUR 139.09 |
GBP F Class | IE0008TE5EO7 | GBP 155.4433 |
GBP I Class | IE000KS7VNN1 | GBP 396.0867 |
GBP IP Class | IE000R2T7BG0 | GBP 163.8937 |
GBP R Class | IE000FWF29O2 | GBP 239.5865 |
GBP RP Class | IE0009KY4K52 | GBP 143.3763 |
USD I Class | IE000Y8YJ8T6 | USD 402.4237 |
USD R Class | IE000AW67T67 | USD 253.8582 |
USD RP Class | IE00091WB292 | USD 156.1897 |
X EUR Hedged (Accumulation) | IE000F256OG0 | EUR 0 |
X GBP (Accumulation) | IE000G7KG6D1 | GBP 1.0504 |
X GBP Hedged (Accumulation) | IE000TSY5VS3 | GBP 1.0099 |
X USD (Accumulation) | IE0003EG6FB9 |
IE0004J4VST6 | USD 1.0502 |
IE0002B1LPI2 | USD 1.0988 |
Fund literature
The prices displayed are as at 20 November 2024
We are experiencing technical difficulty with our Fund Price display, we hope to resolve this shortly.
In the meantime, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Investments in smaller companies, including AIM stocks, carry a higher degree of risk than investing in more liquid shares of larger companies, so they may be difficult to sell at the time you choose. Investments in smaller companies are more volatile and, while they can offer great potential, growth is not guaranteed.
Investment involves risk. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Our portfolios are designed to work over a typical investment cycle of seven to ten years, so we recommend you stay invested for at least seven years.
The information provided is not to be treated as specific advice. It has no regard for the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person or entity.
Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.
Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.