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Fund prices

The prices displayed below are as at 26th March 2025.

A GBP (Accumulation) IE00B3BRDN43 GBP 1.1242
A GBP (Distribution) IE00B3BRDP66 GBP 0.9482
A USD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYPZN970 USD 1.0889
A EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNB92
A SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNC00
A CAD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4B81
A CHF Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4C98
A AUD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4M96
T GBP (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4H44 GBP 1.0027
T EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4J67
T SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4K72
T USD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4L89 USD 1.0186
R GBP (Distribution) IE00BSJCDX67 GBP 0.8506
R GBP (Accumulation) IE00BYPZND17 GBP 1.0649
R AUD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4D06
R CAD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4F20
R CHF Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4G37 CHF 0
X GBP (Distribution) IE00BYPZNF31 GBP 0.8812
A USD (Accumulation) IE00B3BRDM36 USD 1.8528
A EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCDW50 EUR 1.2226
A GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4N04 GBP 1.1387
A GBP Hedged (Distribution) IE00BFXG4P28 GBP 1.2193
A SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4Q35 SGD 1.2209
A AUD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4R42 AUD 1.1154
A CAD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4S58
A CHF Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4T65
T USD (Accumulation) IE00BSJCDR08 USD 1.3484
T GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCDS15 GBP 1.2652
T EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCDT22 EUR 1.1198
T SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCDV44 SGD 1.1194
R USD (Accumulation) IE00BYPZP462 USD 1.3763
R EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYPZP579 EUR 1.1427
R SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYPZP686
R GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4V87 GBP 1.2722
R GBP Hedged (Distribution) IE00BFXG4W94 GBP 1.1801
R AUD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4X02
R CAD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4Y19
R CHF Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG4Z26
X EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYPZP918
X GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5048 GBP 1.2533
X GBP Hedged (Distribution) IE00BFXG5154 GBP 1.3074
X USD (Accumulation) IE00BGRX9L71 USD 1.3772
H USD (Accumulation) IE00BNKLLH76 USD 1.0427
H GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BNKLLJ90 GBP 0.9993
H EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BNKLLK06 EUR 0.9638
H SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BNKLLL13
X GBP (Accumulation) IE00057UZT88 GBP 1.0867
A USD (Accumulation) IE00B3BRDJ07 USD 2.1485
A EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCJL65 EUR 1.3075
A GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5261 GBP 1.3057
A GBP Hedged (Distribution) IE00BFXG5378
A SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5485 SGD 1.3064
A AUD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5592
A CAD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5600
A CHF Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5717
T USD (Accumulation) IE00BSJCJG13 USD 1.538
T GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCJH20 GBP 1.3763
T EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCJJ44 EUR 1.3098
T SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCJK58
R USD (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNL90 USD 1.4486
R EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNM08
R SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNN15
R GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5824 GBP 1.2423
R GBP Hedged (Distribution) IE00BFXG5931 GBP 1.2108
R AUD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5B56
R CAD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5C63
R CHF Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5D70
X EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNQ46
X GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5F94 GBP 1.3602
X GBP Hedged (Distribution) IE00BFXG5G02
X USD (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNP39 USD 1.3724
H USD (Accumulation) IE00BNKLLC22 USD 1.0419
H GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BNKLLD39 GBP 0.9893
H EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BNKLLF52 EUR 0.9734
H SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BNKLLG69
R GBP (Accumulation) IE000D1AWI97 GBP 1.0798
A USD (Accumulation) IE00B3BRDK12 USD 2.9234
A GBP (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5L54 GBP 1.4532
A SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5M61 SGD 1.3814
A AUD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5N78 AUD 1.2745
A CAD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5P92
A CHF Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5Q00
H USD (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNS69 USD 1.1275
A GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCJC74 GBP 1.3824
A EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCJD81 EUR 1.3491
T USD (Accumulation) IE00BSJCJ725 USD 1.6187
T GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCJ832 GBP 1.464
T EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCJ949 EUR 1.2664
T SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCJB67
R GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BSJCJF06 GBP 1.58
R USD (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNT76 USD 1.601
R EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNV98 EUR 1.214
R SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNW06 SGD 1.3622
R AUD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG8H24 AUD 1.2336
R CAD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5R17
R CHF Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5S24
R GBP (Accumulation) IE00BJ5CCL85 GBP 1.3687
F GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BJ5CCK78
F USD (Accumulation) IE00BJ5CCJ63
X EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNY20 EUR 1.3789
X GBP (Accumulation) IE00BK7XZ512 GBP 1.4554
X GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5T31 GBP 1.4975
X USD (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNX13 USD 1.6783
H ILS Hedged (Accumulation) IE0006ETXIC8 ILS 1.3412
H GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BNKLLN37 GBP 1.0649
H EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BNKLLP50 EUR 1.031
H SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BNKLLQ67 SGD 1.0595
A GBP (Distribution) IE00BGLP1Z72 GBP 83.5871
A EUR Hedged (Distribution) IE00BGLP2096 EUR 71.8386
A USD Hedged (Distribution) IE00BGLP2104 USD 87.9352
A GBP (Accumulation) IE00BYNFQ459 GBP 112.8832
A EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYNFQ566 EUR 97.8713
A USD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYNFQ673
A SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BYPZNZ37
A AUD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5H19 AUD 98.5384
A CAD Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5J33
A CHF Hedged (Accumulation) IE00BFXG5K48
A SGD Hedged (Distribution) IE00BYPZP025
X EUR Hedged (Distribution) IE00BYPZP249 EUR 77.8861
X GBP (Distribution) IE00BYPZP132 GBP 85.2792
X USD Hedged (Distribution) IE00BYPZP355 USD 91.3573
A GBP (Accumulation) IE000AVTUPC6 GBP 241.0826
A CHF Hedged (Accumulation) IE000BHVFSY8 CHF 158.3119
A EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE000UI2WZI4 EUR 206.589
A SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE000QJX88P2
A USD Hedged (Accumulation) IE000CMHK6L3 USD 255.4452
I GBP (Accumulation) IE000LDBZIV3 GBP 398.9506
I CHF Hedged (Accumulation) IE000XUWY9W4 CHF 169.1269
I EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE000H4F8ZU3 EUR 329.0818
I SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE000F60KND9
I USD Hedged (Accumulation) IE000C0JBTQ0 USD 405.3924
R GBP (Accumulation) IE0002G4G333 GBP 156.6357
R CHF Hedged (Accumulation) IE000UI2VQD6
R EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE000H1BPTU2 EUR 0.993
R SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE000FARPW55
R USD Hedged (Accumulation) IE000VO8RXR8 USD 0.9881
X GBP (Accumulation) IE000KIHL681 GBP 0.9654
X USD Hedged (Accumulation) IE000ULF3NI3 USD 0.9779
X CHF Hedged (Accumulation) IE000H677017
X EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE000R7B7AX2
X SGD Hedged (Accumulation) IE0007436YU9
X EUR Hedged (Accumulation) IE000F256OG0 EUR 0
X GBP (Accumulation) IE000G7KG6D1 GBP 0.978
X GBP Hedged (Accumulation) IE000TSY5VS3 GBP 0.9978
X USD (Accumulation) IE0003EG6FB9
IE0004J4VST6 USD 1.0837
IE0002B1LPI2 USD 1.1435

Investments in smaller companies, including AIM stocks, carry a higher degree of risk than investing in more liquid shares of larger companies, so they may be difficult to sell at the time you choose. Investments in smaller companies are more volatile and, while they can offer great potential, growth is not guaranteed.

Investment involves risk. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Our portfolios are designed to work over a typical investment cycle of seven to ten years, so we recommend you stay invested for at least seven years.

The information provided is not to be treated as specific advice. It has no regard for the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person or entity.

Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.