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Execution-only stockbroking

If your clients would like to benefit from our sophisticated in-house dealing facility, but prefer to take responsibility for their own investment decisions, our execution-only stockbroking service is ideal for them.

How does execution-only stockbroking work?

With our execution-only stockbroking service, we simply take and execute orders. We operate a straight-through processing platform with seamless settlement for both our nominee service and third-party custodians. Our experienced dealers are familiar with the intricacies of trading a wide range of financial assets across many different markets.

Large or sophisticated orders are skilfully supported by our institutional trading desks and we have direct links to a variety of multilateral trading facilities. 

To use this service, investors should be experienced, and understand the risks and potential rewards of the investments they're considering. There is a £400 minimum fee but this is offset against any trading fees incurred operating a stockbroking account with us to buy and sell assets.


How can clients check their investments?

Your clients can choose to receive a clearly laid-out valuation report each quarter by post or online, whichever suits them best.

Clients can also view their accounts online at any time, no matter where they are, through our easy-to-use CG Wealth Online portal and app, including their investments, statements and historical valuations.


Learn more about how we can help your clients

Learn more about our execution-only stockbroking service.

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Keeping you and your clients informed

Winter webinar: When will 2025 begin to warm up?

In our latest webinar, Co-Chief Investment Officers Richard Champion and Tom Becket discuss the predictable nature of 2024 investment markets, while highlighting increased volatility and uncertainty in 2025.

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Investment outlook December 2024

Our latest insight evaluates the economic and geo-political landscape of 2024, while looking ahead to investment opportunities in 2025.

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The smart investor’s guide to the economic cycle

Discover the different phases of the economic cycle and how we invest our portfolios to achieve the best returns.

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Download our stockbroking flyer


Learn more about our execution-only stockbroking service

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Investment involves risk. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Our portfolios are designed to work over a typical investment cycle of 7-10 years, so we recommend you stay invested for at least seven years.

The information provided is not to be treated as specific advice. It has no regard for the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person or entity.

Some of our stockbroking experts

If you would like to know how our stockbroking team can help your clients, please get in touch. We will be delighted to provide more details of our services.

Photo of Alex English

Alex English


I am a multi-jurisdictional finance professional who has worked in New Zealand, Dubai and Guernsey. I previously worked for a reputable investment house in Dubai and have held various fund roles here in Guernsey, where I am now based.

I joined the company in 2017 and currently work on the stockbroking desk. Having an active interest in the markets and trading makes this a dream vocation for me.

My day-to-day tasks involve trading various product types for our execution-only clients, offering advice to our advisory clients and keeping them up to speed with the market. I am a very sociable person and find it extremely rewarding to be able to help our clients. I am also currently a mentor for some junior colleagues who are looking to explore the world of stockbroking.

Find out more about our expert team


Want to know more?Get in touch


To discover more about our stockbroking services and how we can help your clients with their investment needs, please get in touch.

Click here to read our privacy policy.


Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.