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Wealth news and insights

Our news and insights hub covers a variety of key topics from the investment world such as retirement and pension planning, wealth and tax planning, ESG investing, investment market updates and the latest global economy and market news. You can sign up for our latest wealth management news if you would like to receive regular financial insights from our experts. 

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Investing in turbulent times
19 October 2022 in Investing

Despite these turbulent times there are still investment opportunities to be found, but where? Thomas Becket from our Chief Investment Office helps point the way.  

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Wealth succession planning

Thinking about how best to pass on your wealth? If so, our independent wealth planners suggest asking yourself these four important questions.

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Changes to HMRC’s Trust Registration Service – do the new rules apply to you?
18 August 2022 in Wealth/financial planning

New legislation has come into force which requires the majority of UK-resident trusts to be registered with the Trust Registration Service by 1 September 2022. If you are a trustee, you may need to register the trust you act for with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) using the government’s online Trust Registration Service (TRS).

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When is the right time to retire?

Ask yourself these eight questions to keep your retirement plans & your portfolio prepared for inflationary times.

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ESG and war in Ukraine – a new challenge for responsible investors
12 April 2022 in Investing

The war in Ukraine has upended markets, sent commodity and oil prices spiralling and left ESG (environmental, social and governance) investors reassessing their ethics.

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Sir Martin Sorrell on his life, career and the future of the global advertising industry
8 April 2022 in Investing, On-demand events

Our CEO, David Esfandi, met Sir Martin Sorrell for an exclusive interview on his life and thoughts on the global advertising industry. Watch the recording here. 

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Wealth management updates

Canaccord Genuity Group

We're part of Canaccord Genuity Group Inc., a publicly traded company under the symbol CF on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Established in 1950, it is now a leading global financial services firm, operating in wealth management and capital markets.

The Group has offices in 10 countries, including wealth management offices in the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Canada and Australia. Canaccord Genuity; our international capital markets division, operates in Canada, the US, the UK, France, Ireland, Hong Kong, China, Australia and Dubai.

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.