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Our Chief Investment Office and experts share insights into our house view and macro trends. Read our latest investment market updates here. 

Investing in bonds to beat inflation
19 October 2022 in Investing

With inflation and interest rates on the up, is there still a role for bonds in an investment portfolio? Find out why Bond Fund Manager Mark Holman thinks so.  

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Cautious investment portfolios in volatile times
19 October 2022 in Investing

Could a lower-risk portfolio really deliver for investors in these volatile times? Our investment experts explain why cautious portfolios are potentially more attractive than they have been for some time.

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Investing in turbulent times
19 October 2022 in Investing

Despite these turbulent times there are still investment opportunities to be found, but where? Thomas Becket from our Chief Investment Office helps point the way.  

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Fixed income investing explained
11 October 2022 in Investing

In this article we explain what we mean by fixed interest (or fixed income) investing in bonds, what it is, who it’s for and how we invest in fixed interest assets or bonds.

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When is the right time to retire?

Ask yourself these eight questions to keep your retirement plans & your portfolio prepared for inflationary times.

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ESG and war in Ukraine – a new challenge for responsible investors
12 April 2022 in Investing

The war in Ukraine has upended markets, sent commodity and oil prices spiralling and left ESG (environmental, social and governance) investors reassessing their ethics.

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.