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Wealth/financial planning

Our independent wealth planners share their expertise in our educational wealth planning hub. Read more here. 

Advice on inheritance tax planning

The issue of inheritance tax planning will always be controversial. This is largely because it’s a secondary tax on accumulated wealth that has already been subject to tax, or even an inheritance that has already been subject to IHT.

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When should I start planning for retirement?

We consider the facts and figures, and provide some top tips to help you on your way to a comfortable retirement.

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Top pension tips if you're about to retire

For many people, a pension is their largest source of income in retirement. And traditionally, when you retire, your pension fund would immediately be used to provide a secured income for your lifetime. Although there has been some flexibility around this since the mid-1990s, the ‘Pension Freedoms’ announced in 2015 allowed even more choice but also more complexity.

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The ideal time to review your financial planning arrangements

Has COVID-19 affected your financial plans? Our Head of UK Financial Planning, David Goodfellow explains why you should review them now.

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What to think about when reviewing your retirement plans

If you’re thinking, ‘But retirement is miles away’ or ‘I haven’t reviewed my pension for a while’ it may be time to consider your options. It’s never too early to start planning ahead or to review your existing pension arrangements.

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Investment involves risk and you may not get back what you invest. It’s not suitable for everyone.

Investment involves risk and is not suitable for everyone.